ToucanRelay is a user-friendly transaction relay bot where the user can anonymously fund the relay bot on the Ironfish network and use that to relay the transaction on the EVM network.

ToucanRelay preserves the privacy of users and at the same time ensures reliability in the following ways:

  1. The user first creates his anonymous Semaphore Identity, which will be used to identify the user’s spending limit and track the transaction relays. One user’s EVM wallet address associates as many semaphore identities as they want to conceal the real wallet’s address. Note: find out more about Semaphore Identities here -
  2. The users then fund the relay bot on the Ironfish which is the privacy-preserved network. The user’s spend limit is determined in terms of $IRON tokens and is equal to the total $IRON funded - total $IRON spent.
  3. Once the relay bot is successfully funded, users can generate the ZK proofs to prove their identity and spend limit.
  4. ToucanRelay bot is a discord bot that receives the user’s proofs, amount to be relayed, and tokens (Native ETH, USDC, etc) to relay the transactions by simply messaging it.
  5. Depositors can replenish the supply of EVM tokens in the relay vault by supplying tokens and get an equivalent amount of wIRON in exchange.

Current supported EVM networks - Arbitrum Sepolia

Contracts -

  1. RelayVault -

  2. wIRON -

Step-by-step walkthrough -

  1. Go to the ToucanRelay dashboard -

  1. Generate the new semaphore identity and fund the relay bot -